Healthy Living by Willow Creek Springs
A podcast about practices to promote healthy lives featuring experts, businesses, and clients: we gather to share our stories about success, failure, exploration, and so much more. Our subscription episodes feature some personal and vulnerable, real-life stories that are sensitive to some of the general public.
Healthy Living by Willow Creek Springs
Thomas LaGrave joins the Healthy Living Podcast
Thomas J LaGrave Jr. is a bestselling author, licensed clinical social worker, and the founder of HonorBound Academy, a year-long immersive program based in Sonoma, California, dedicated to the education, healing, and mentorship of adolescent men. A former Hospital Corpsmen with the U.S. Navy SEALs, LaGrave has spent over 35 years working with more than 3,000 young men, specializing in the psychological and developmental challenges of adolescence and the transition to adulthood.
A recovering addict and alcoholic for more than three decades, LaGrave draws from his personal journey and extensive professional background to offer deep insight into the complex struggles facing today’s youth. His latest book, Special Welfare, Social Warfare, launched in November and follows his earlier work, The Bell Tolls For Thee: A Soliloquy.
LaGrave’s career spans hospital work, adolescent mental health, addiction recovery, and youth incarceration programs. He also served as a Military Family & Life Consultant for U.S. Armed Forces Special Operations Command. His commitment to shaping the future of at-risk youth through innovative programs and personal mentorship has positioned him as a leading voice in adolescent mental health and social development.
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